The alarm experts for the Netherlands and Spain
Fast deliveries
Secure payment
RH Beveiliging & Security Nederland en Spanje

NL 31180556747ES 34653432805

Terms and Conditions

RH Beveiliging, Security & Seguridad
General terms and conditions

1. Definitions

In these general terms and conditions, the following terms have the following meanings, unless otherwise stated:

a. RH Beveiliging, Security & Seguridad, established in the Netherlands and Spain, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number Chamber of Commerce no. 24366046

b. Customer refers to a person or entity that uses or is interested in the products or services of RH Beveiliging en Security.

2. Applicability

These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, agreements and deliveries from RH Beveiliging en Security. Deviating conditions are only valid if agreed in writing.

3. Quotations and Agreements

a. All quotations and quotations from RH Beveiliging, Security & Seguridad are without obligation, unless stated otherwise.

b. Agreements are concluded when RH Beveiliging en Security sends a written confirmation to the Customer or when RH Beveiliging en Security actually starts implementing the agreement.

4. Delivery of Products/Services

a. The delivery times are indicative and RH Beveiliging, Security & Seguridad is not liable for any delays.

b. RH Beveiliging en Security reserves the right to suspend delivery if the Customer does not meet his obligations.

5. Payment

a. Payment must be made within 14 days of the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed.

b. In the event of late payment, the Customer is legally in default and RH Beveiliging en Security is entitled to charge statutory interest and collection costs.

6. Liability

a. The liability of RH Beveiliging en Security is limited to the invoice amount of the relevant agreement.

b. RH Beveiliging en Security is not liable for indirect damage or consequential damage.

7. Intellectual Property

a. All intellectual property rights relating to the products/services of RH Beveiliging en Security remain the property of RH Beveiliging en Security.

8. Applicable Law

The applicable law of the Netherlands and Spain applies to all agreements with RH Beveiliging en Security.

  • Terms updated: 08/03/2024

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